Meet the Mindstreamer – Tracey Murphy

Born and raised in the Bronx, New York and a devoted Yankees fan “even when they’re not so great,” she tackles a variety of client projects and enjoys the constant change and challenge inherent in the field of advertising.

Meet Tracey Murphy, Account Manager, representing Mindstream Media Group in New York City.

Having studied business and psychology in college, Tracey has always thought of advertising as a good mix of the two subjects, which helped her choose her career path. From when she started in the industry as a traffic coordinator working with ads and collateral with hardcopy film and proofs, to now where everything is digital, Tracey has seen the digital revolution firsthand and applies her wealth of experience in her role with the agency.

Tracey works on direct marketing card acquisition efforts in the financial vertical and manages social and display creative projects for healthcare clients as well. She’s also recently taken on more responsibility, managing projects for additional agency clients, writing content and continuing to adapt and learn as the landscape evolves.

After having worked through the pandemic’s challenges over the last year, Tracey has remained determined in her quest to help clients and is becoming more optimistic through project successes and the ability to learn more and develop in her role.

What excites Tracey the most about her job is creating things that reach people in different ways. She shares, “I’m enjoying learning more about the media back end, but my favorite part of every project is getting a brief from a client and watching it become real in round one.”

Ten years ago, in her first role with the company, Tracey was inspired by her manager, Harold Cooper. “He was a big inspiration to all of us. He had a great business mind and a big heart along with a huge presence with clients. I still try to think of what he would do if I ever get stuck on something or want to think of a new way to reach a client.”

Now, Tracey stays informed and inspired by a multitude of sources across the web, sharing that “Some of the news creators I follow give a more accurate and digestible depiction of current events than some mainstream outlets.” And although not referencing specifics, Tracey admits that she’s “learned a lot from TikTok lately, although I’m probably way too old to be on the platform.”

When asked what advice she would give to someone wanting to pursue a career in this industry, Tracey says, “Roll with change because it’s constant and if you don’t try to adapt, you’ll fall behind.” That’s certainly a resounding theme in our “Meet the Mindstreamer” employee spotlight series.

Tracey writes fiction and owns over 100 signed paperbacks. She’s an avid reader and audiobook listener and enjoys completing on-demand workouts and binge-watching true crime documentaries. Her husband, who was also her high school prom date, and 11-year-old son are huge superhero fans, and she claims to have been “sucked into all the Marvel movies and now Disney plus series,” now enjoying them as a family.

An enormous part of what makes Mindstream Media Group successful is the collective talent and collaboration of our employees across the country. While we as an agency love to share stories about client successes, industry news and product updates on our MMG Blog, we also want to feature the actual people behind the work we are doing to grow client business.

 We’re featuring a Mindstreamer (as we like to call ourselves) periodically to share their stories and celebrate the diverse people, backgrounds, interests and qualities that make us unique.

 Another way to get to know our team is through the video series “Fast-Forward the Conversation,” where we discuss the HOW behind supporting client growth through media strategy, with topics like shopper marketing, franchise work, QSR challenges, agency partnerships and more.