How to Fuel Your Brand’s Social Media Pipeline by Repromoting Content

This post originally appeared on, click here to read the full post.

As a marketer who manages your brand’s social media profiles, you know how difficult it can be to come up with engaging posts every day. This is especially true if your brand relies on content like blog posts, infographics and videos to fuel your social media pipeline.

Some brands are lucky enough to have content marketing juggernauts of either in-house or agency professionals knocking out multiple content pieces a day. But if your brand isn’t so fortunate, you need to get creative to keep your social feeds stocked with engaging posts.

Want to learn more about how repromoting content can help you keep up with the pace of social posting? Check out the full post on


3 Content Marketing Strategies You Need to Know to Drive Sales

The big idea: Just because a consumer has decided on a product to buy, doesn’t mean they know where or how to make the purchase. In this blog post, we’ll cover three Content Marketing strategies to help brands deliver the right information at the right time.

For marketers, this is the moment we live for – we’ve developed our content marketing strategies, created messages to promote our brand’s products and implemented our plan. And now, because of all that work, a consumer is ready to make a purchase.

After weighing all of the options from other brands, this former-consumer, former-shopper is now a buyer who has made a purchase decision. This buyer now just needs to know how and where to complete the purchase.

Content Marketing strategies to help buyers complete purchases

Recently, we covered how much research shoppers conduct thanks to their smartphones and an abundance of digital media channels. That research doesn’t stop just because a buyer has made a decision. In the decision stage of the buying journey, buyers are still turning to their phones to conduct high-intent searches to help them complete a purchase.

Searches conducted by buyers in the decision stage

When buyers conduct these types of searches – especially when they include your brand’s name in the search – it’s your game to lose. For you baseball fans out there, it’s like you’re up by three runs with two outs in the ninth. You’re set up for the win, you just need to close it out.

To avoid snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, this is where most teams would pull their starting pitcher and bring in the closer – for marketers, that’s typically paid media. However, there are plenty of ways you can use organic content to lock in a win. Here’s a three-pitch strategy for using content marketing to help buyers make a purchase.

Strike one – local listings

When marketers think about managing local listings, they don’t normally think Content Marketing. Typically, they think of optimizing and syndicating foundational elements of their listings like:

  • NAP – business name, address and phone number
  • Website URL
  • Hours of operation

These elements are key in making sure consumers can find you when they search for your locations. But there are ways to show off your content-creation chops when it comes to local listings.

Content marketing strategies to improve your local listings

Enhance your business description

Google gives you 750 characters to work with for your Google My Business (GMB) business description – use them. Don’t just deliver a boring description, write something that sets you apart from your competitors and provides buyers the information they need to know.

Answer common questions

When consumers have questions about your business, they can ask you right from your listing. Make sure to provide detailed and helpful answers to their most pressing questions.

Add photos and video

Create high-quality images and video to showcase both your location and the products that you offer. This helps buyers know that you sell the products they want to buy.

Strike two – location pages

Another effective way to deliver the information buyers need in the decision stage is to create optimized pages on your site for each of your locations. The key is to optimize each page for both human visitors and search engine bots.

How to optimize location pages for buyers in the consideration stage

To optimize the page for human visitors, add all of the information a buyer would need to purchase one of your products:

  • Location-specific image – a picture of the location to make it easy for the buyer to identify
  • In-depth copy – detailed descriptions of the products the location sells
  • Calls to action – messages to inspire the buyer to take the next step towards a purchase
  • Product images and video – visuals that allow the buyer to see the product in action
  • Location data – business information that makes it easy for buyers to contact and get to the location (this data should be an exact match to the information from your local listings)

For search engines, optimize the following technical SEO elements around a specific, locally-focused keyword for each page:

  • Meta description – a brief description that inspires buyers to click on the page from search results
  • Title tag – a headline for the page that includes the main topic of the page and a geo-modifier for that location
  • Headlines – sub-headers throughout the page to identify secondary topics
  • Schema Markup – structured data to help search engines understand essential information on the page
  • Alt tags – descriptions of each image on the page

Strike three – FAQ pages

FAQ pages help you connect with buyers in the decision stage by addressing common speedbumps in the buying process. They’re also effective at improving your brand’s presence in search results for high-intent, long-tail queries, especially for mobile and voice searches.

The main reason FAQ pages work so well for voice search is people tend to talk more naturally, almost as if they’re talking to another person. They ask specific questions and the brands that deliver direct answers are the ones most likely to end up in Position Zero (the one and only voice-search result).

Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating your FAQ pages:

  • Identify your buyers’ most common questions
  • Provide answers to specific questions
  • Use categories to organize common questions
  • Link to pages dedicated to answering your most common questions
  • Provide the opportunity for buyers to ask new questions

Interested in learning more? Check out our next blog post in the series – How to Boost Customer Loyalty With Content Marketing – or contact Mindstream Media Group to learn how our Content Marketing solution can drive results for your brand.

How to Create Organic Content That Actually Helps Shoppers

Last week, we discussed how brands can use organic content to boost consumer awareness. This week, we examine how brands can amplify their content marketing strategy to reach people in the next stage of the consumer buying journey – consideration.

Think about your last major purchase. What prompted it? How did you discover which products were available to buy? Where did you go to research those options? Why did you decide to buy one product over the others?

If you’re like most consumers, you probably conducted most of that research online, likely on your phone. Thanks to smartphones, consumers have 24/7 access to a growing number of digital media platforms. This access to information has effectuated change throughout the buying journey, especially in the consideration stage when consumers are able to conduct more in-depth research than ever before.

How to use organic content to turn shoppers into buyers

As a marketer trying to convince shoppers to buy your products, it’s important to understand what types of information they need in this stage. Then, you have to be able to deliver.

In the consideration stage, shoppers are conducting specific research about an upcoming purchase and narrowing down their list of options. They’re asking specific questions and expect to find customized answers. This research often includes conducting online searches, watching videos on YouTube and reading in-depth content pieces on both brand and publisher platforms.

The brands that do the best job at delivering the information consumers need are the ones whose products will soar to the top of consumers’ lists. The brands that don’t provide that info will most likely end up on the chopping block.

How organic content helps shoppers in the consideration stage

There’s a variety of ways your brand can leverage organic content to deliver this information. We’ll take an in-depth look at three of the organic content pieces below to give you an idea of how to create the right messaging for shoppers in the consideration stage.

Organic content pieces in the consideration stage

No. 1: Optimizing your product pages for the consideration stage

Product pages on your website are foundational pieces of organic content to help shoppers in the consideration stage. These pages serve several important functions:

  • Providing shoppers with the information they need about your products to make a purchase decision.
  • Acting as an information hub for all of the content pieces you create about a specific product.
  • Improving your search engine rankings for searches related to a specific product.

To get the full value out of the pages, you need to make sure each one of your brand’s product pages is optimized for both shoppers and search engines.

Tips to optimize product pages for shoppers
  • Provide all the information a consumer could need including product specifications, descriptions of key features and pricing/buying details. 
  • Add images and videos to help shoppers visualize your products and see them in action.
  • Optimize the page’s layout to make the copy easy to read and scan on mobile devices.
  • Increase the speed of your product pages to keep shoppers from abandoning your site and moving on to the next brand.
SEO tips for product and service pages
  • Identify the terms and phrases shoppers use to search for your products and optimize each page’s technical SEO elements based on those keywords.
  • Optimize title tags to help search engines understand the main topic of your product pages and grab shoppers attention when the page appears in search results.
  • Write impactful meta descriptions with strong calls-to-action to inspire shoppers to visit your page when they see the description in search results.
  • Add structured data like Schema Markup to help search engines understand essential information about your products.
  • Include alt tags on your product pictures to help search engines understand the images.

No. 2: Creating videos to explain your products

When done right, product videos are becoming an increasingly effective resource for shoppers in the consideration stage.

The power of video in the consideration stage

Videos aren’t just an effective visual to help site visitors understand your products, they also help you spread your message across a variety of digital channels. After creating videos of your products in action, you can upload them to YouTube and promote them across social media channels.

No. 3: Developing long-form content pieces for in-depth details

A particularly powerful tool for B2B marketers, long-form content like infographics, case studies e-books and white papers provide shoppers with in-depth information about your products and showcase how they’ve helped others.

But there’s a catch, long-form pieces usually take more time to create than other organic content. To make sure your efforts don’t go to waste, here are a few ways to aggressively promote and leverage each piece of long-form content you create.

Promoting long-form content on social media

Promote your long-form content pieces on all applicable social media sites. Depending on the topic and format of the piece, it’s important to think beyond the traditional B2B lineup of LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to sites like Pinterest, Instagram, SlideShare, etc.

Repromoting long-form content

The organic reach of brand posts on social media has been declining for some time. To combat this drop, try promoting certain content pieces multiple times to reach your followers. For one of our B2B clients, repromoting long-form content like white papers, as well as blogs, led to a significant increase in engagement.

Repurposing content

Creating long-form content pieces leaves you with a plethora of information, data and graphics. Here are a few ideas to help you get the most out of those elements:

  • Create animated videos to summarize and promote long-form pieces
  • Break e-books and white papers into chapters and publish them as blog posts
  • Create blog posts to summarize infographics for added SEO value

For each repurposed piece you create, make sure to include links and/or contact forms for users to download the full long-form content pieces.

Interested in amplifying your brand’s organic content to reach shoppers in the consideration stage? Contact Mindstream Media Group today to learn how our Content Marketing and Creative Services can Fast-Forward Your Business.

How to Increase Brand Awareness With Organic Content

Recently, we looked at the role of organic content in the new consumer buying journey. To help marketers put this information to use, we’re now going to dive deeper into each stage of the buying journey. In this post, we examine how organic content can help increase brand awareness and get consumers moving in the right direction.

An overview of the awareness stage

The awareness stage is perhaps the most critical leg of the buying journey for consumers. After all, consumers have to realize they need to buy something before making any purchase. And, to buy something from a specific brand, consumers need to know that the brand exists.

Consumer Buying Journey Detail – Awareness Stage – v2


Using organic content to increase brand awareness

In the awareness stage, consumers are just starting their buying journey and often have a lot of questions about the purchase. When done right, organic content pieces can help your brand answer those questions and build a rapport with consumers. Here are a few examples of organic content strategies your brand should be using to engage with consumers in the awareness stage.

Create informative and optimized blog posts

In the awareness stage, consumers aren’t necessarily looking for in-depth product detail, they typically want more high-level information. Instead of creating content about the features and benefits of your products, try publishing blog posts that answer common questions consumers have about them.

To explain what we mean here, let’s look at an example of how we’ve used this strategy for one of our clients – AT&T Experience. Last year, we worked with the brand to generate traffic to their site ahead of the new iPhone launch. Rather than pushing out content promoting deals or specific features of the new models, we created blog posts designed to answer popular search queries about the iPhone in general.

Months before the launch, we published a blog post with a timeline of Apple iPhone launches. The blog post wasn’t designed to sell phones, it was just an informative piece about the history of the iPhone. There was no paid search promotion around the piece. But, by employing SEO best practices, we were able to earn the post a coveted featured snippet result on Google. 

As the launch grew nearer, iPhone-related queries spiked as the post climbed to the top of several search result pages. The result was thousands of new visitors to the site with an average time spent on the page of almost 7 minutes. The influx of visitors and the time they spent on the page indicated there was a lot of interest in the topic and people found our piece valuable. By the time the new iPhones launched, the monthly web traffic numbers to the post were up considerably.

How a featured snippet improved website traffic to a blog post

Produce more video content

If you’re still not using video to increase brand awareness, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. Today’s consumers are increasingly turning to online video to find information about products and discover new brands.

Stats showing on online video helps brands increase awareness

One of the best examples of a brand using video content to boost awareness is Dollar Shave Club’s introduction video. The relatively low-budget production (the video cost DSC just $4,500 to produce) has racked up more than 26 million views on YouTube to date.

In 2012, the brand entered a crowded marketplace and needed a message that would help them stand out from other razor companies. Producing a generic commercial about the quality of their razors wasn’t going to cut it. So the brand eschewed standard product promotion in favor of a video highlighting their unique personality. DSC used a dancing bear, an upbeat employee named Alejandro and their machete-wielding CEO to differentiate their brand from other razor companies. And, to really make the video stand out, the company introduced a tagline that consumers could not easily forget: “Our blades are f**cking great.”

But if your brand doesn’t have the factory space or access to dancing bears to create a 90-second feature like this one, there are simpler options. For example, here’s a recent video we produced here at Mindstream Media Group. It’s concise, visually appealing and perfect for social media audiences.


Improve your social media presence

Social media platforms are a great place for your brand to engage with audiences of potential and existing customers. But when using social media in the awareness stage, it’s important to think beyond your existing followers since these users are most likely already familiar with your brand. To increase brand awareness on social media, you need to create content that your existing audiences find interesting enough to share, re-tweet and distribute out to their followers.

Here are a few tips to help you create social media posts that grab users’ attention, get them talking and generate a buzz.

Use eye-catching visuals

Social media users typically scroll their feeds at lightning speed, giving you just a split second to grab their attention. To increase the chances of them noticing your message, make sure to add eye-catching images or video to each post.

Tag others to amplify your posts

Tagging people in your social media posts is an easy way to get your message out to their followers and reach new audiences. It also increases the likelihood that they’ll like, share or comment on your post.

Leverage the power of hashtags

Adding hashtags to your posts makes them searchable and easier for new audiences to find. But randomly adding a bunch of hashtags to your posts isn’t good enough. You need to be strategic with which hashtags you use and how many tags you include in each post.

Number of hashtags per post vs. average engagement per post

Number of hashtags per post vs. average engagement per post

While creating blogs, video and social media posts are a good start, we’ve only scratched the surface on all the ways you can use organic content to increase brand awareness. If you’re interested in implementing a holistic organic content strategy, contact Mindstream Media Group today to learn how our Content Marketing campaigns can Fast-Forward Your Business.

[Case Study]: How to Increase Social Media Engagement By Repromoting Content

Promoting content pieces like blogs, whitepapers and infographics with multiple social media posts is a popular arrow in many a marketers’ quiver. But does repromoting the same piece of content really provide value and increase social media engagement? Recently, we set out to answer that very question (spoiler alert: it works).


Recently, one of our clients asked me why I was creating posts for blog articles that we had published weeks before and already promoted across their social media profiles. My initial thought was that repurposing content is a fairly accepted best practice to increase social media engagement and drive incremental traffic to older blog posts (as well as an easy way to fuel a social media pipeline without having to create content from scratch).

Thankfully, I caught myself before I even started composing that woefully inadequate response. I quickly snapped out of auto-pilot and realized my initial thought was antithetical to how we as marketers are trained to think. We don’t take even the most established best practices at face value, we dive in and develop strategies based on data and our own informed instincts.

Since Mindstream Media Group manages social media content and strategy for several brands so I had more than enough data to work with. I pulled up performance data for another client that we’ve been consistently repromoting blog and whitepaper content for since the beginning of our campaign.

A little background on the client

Before diving into the results, here’s a quick primer on the client whose data we analyzed. They are, simply put, a social media manager’s dream. The brand publishes dozens of content pieces a month – including blogs, whitepapers and case studies – more than enough to keep our social media calendar stocked with multiple posts per day.

Mindstream Media Group works with the brand to develop and manage social media posts that promote these various content pieces. Our social media strategy focuses heavily on LinkedIn and Twitter to reach B2B audiences in the finance and investment industry.

Social media engagement strategy

Given the declining rates of organic brand posts across social media platforms, we promote a lot of the brand’s content pieces multiple times (usually three to five times) on LinkedIn and Twitter. We typically publish the first social post the day the content is published with subsequent posts going out in roughly one-week intervals over the next few weeks.

For the subsequent posts, we change around several variables including post copy, images, time of day and day of the week. Our goal is to reach new audiences that either didn’t see the original post or didn’t find it appealing as they scrolled through their feed.

The results of our repromotion strategy

To find out how well the strategy was working, I gathered performance data from social media posts promoting five different pieces of blog content and three whitepapers. Each piece of content was promoted three times on both LinkedIn and Twitter following the reposting strategy outlined above.

Based on my experience managing social media strategy and monitoring performance, I went in expecting that the data would support repromoting content. What I did not expect, however, was how much additional engagement we were seeing when we repromoted blogs and whitepapers.

LinkedIn Results

Compared to the first social post alone, promoting blog content a second and third time on LinkedIn led to a:

Increased social media engagement from reposting blog content on LinkedIn

We found similar results when we looked at the posts for the whitepapers. Second and third posts promoting the whitepapers yielded a:

Increased social media engagement from reposting whitepapers on LinkedIn

Other than delivering incremental social media engagement, the second and third posts more than held their own in terms of performance compared to the original posts. Here’s a look at the percentage of impressions, clicks and interactions from LinkedIn posts promoting both blogs and whitepapers.

LinkedIn social media engagement share by post

LinkedIn social media engagement share by post

Twitter results:

The results from Twitter showed similar performance, proving the strategy can work on multiple social platforms. Tweets repromoting blog posts yielded a:

Increased social media engagement from re-promoting blogs on Twitter

As we saw on LinkedIn, we found similar results for tweets promoting whitepapers. Re-promoting whitepaper content on Twitter delivered a:

Increased social media engagement from re-promoting whitepapers on Twitter

Twitter also showed comparable performance for subsequent posts compared to the originals. For posts promoting blog content and whitepapers, impression and engagement numbers for the second and third posts matched – and even surpassed – the original post’s performance.

Twitter social media engagement share by post

Twitter social media engagement share by post

Overall Results

To give you a full picture of the impact repromoting previous content had on the brand’s social media engagement, here’s a look at the overall results:

Need help driving social media engagement for your brand? Contact Mindstream Media Group to learn how we crush the social media game for our clients every day.

Three Ways Personalization is Shaping Organic Search

The new year is in full swing and with it comes plenty of exciting changes in organic search marketing along with big expectations for digital marketers. One of the most significant search trends in 2019 is personalization – i.e., consumers’ desire to find the specific information they need as they research buying decisions.

To help marketers understand this growing trend and update their 2019 strategies accordingly, here’s a look at three ways personalization is changing the organic search game.

No. 1: Consumers want variety in their search results

While text-based queries and results were the status quo for Google and other search engines for years, consumers now have a myriad of methods to search for products and services. With searchers increasingly turning to voice search and visual search, text-based results no longer cut it for consumers.

Consider these numbers from a recent study by

How personalization is changing text-based search results


The takeaway for marketers

For marketers (or anyone who conducts cognitive research), these numbers should come as no surprise. Humans are wired to process information visually and it’s only natural that we would default to that preference when researching buying decisions online. Marketers need to create and optimize online content beyond the written (typed) word. This requires publishing visually appealing content like product images, infographics and video.

Marketers also need to embrace the rise of voice search and start thinking of how to optimize content to reach position zero. (For more information on how to reach position zero, check out our post on how to create content that earns featured snippets.)

No. 2: Consumers get to choose their own buying journeys

Think with Google recently published an infographic on how consumers’ search habits are disrupting the traditional marketing funnel. To show how the marketing funnel is changing, Google looked at thousands of users’ clickstream data. The results were telling for marketers and exhibited exactly how prevalent personalization has become.

To illustrate the point, Google highlighted four consumer buying journeys. Here’s a recap of their findings:

How shoppers are choosing their own buying journeys

The takeaway for marketers

While the graphic above represents a small sample size and the whole point of Google’s research was to show how no two buying journeys are the same, there are still a few general takeaways for marketers:

  • Unsurprisingly, the more significant the purchase, the more intricate the buying journey. With smartphones providing unfettered access to information, major purchases like headphones and flights now involve extensive consumer research.
  • Even buying journeys we normally wouldn’t consider significant – like buying candy or makeup – can involve a lot of research and multiple touchpoints for brands to connect with consumers.
  • Consumer research doesn’t end at purchase. With Ava’s search for flights, she conducted post-purchase research to find information like where to access her boarding pass, how to print tickets and which luggage she could bring.

Related: The Role of Organic Content in the New Consumer Buying Journey

No. 3: Marketers are turning to AI

Consumers’ ability to choose their own personalized buying journeys is a relatively new dynamic. Smartphones, tablets and other connected mobile devices have given consumers round-the-clock access to the internet. In this always-connected world, consumers expect to easily find information customized to fit their needs.

61 percent of people expect brands to tailor experiences based on their preferences

With more consumers expecting to find customized information as they navigate through their unique buying journeys, marketers are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver the right messages at the right times. According to recent research from BrightEdge, nearly 60 percent of marketers planned to use AI in 2018, up from 43 percent in 2017.

How likely brands are to use AI to develop content marketing strategies

How likely brands are to use AI to develop content marketing strategies

The takeaway for marketers

AI presents an incredible opportunity for marketers to use machine learning to customize their messaging based on consumer intent. There’s a good chance the numbers from BrightEdge underrepresent the percentage of brands leveraging AI as something as simple as dynamic search ads on Google would technically qualify.

There’s no shortage of ways for marketers to use AI in their content marketing strategy. And if BrightEdge’s study is any indication, any brand not at least thinking of ways to leverage AI are already behind in the game. For marketers, this means there’s no time like the present to start looking for strategies to use AI to create the customized messaging consumers have come to expect.

Need help creating personalized media campaigns and content for your target audiences?

Contact Mindstream Media Group to find out how we can give you VIP access to your consumers.